Building Sold Four Weeks….

The apartment building underfoot has been sold, i.e., been under new ownership, for  a month now – not quite but might as well say a month. The “no changes” declared at the beginning has been nothing but changes for yours truly.  Per directions, payments were to be made out to the new corporation.  Once that was done, the announcement was that the old way was okay.  Well, the bank teller just copies the previous month’s money order using a current date, and the transaction is handled by whoever is doing the errands.  The new name is now in the system and that’s fundamental.   

This weekend saw the latest “nothing” change, from the looks of it, which completely upsets going to the grocery.  This past Sunday night there was no pile of packets full of advertising for the week at the front door.  Considering that the most used bulletin board was pitched out almost first thing, and that soon followed by the little box where the packets were put every weekend, it’s assumed it’s only a matter of time before the advertising itself is gone for good.  They were delivered this week.  A knowledgeable neighbor located one that someone else had. 

The bulletin board, maybe the advertising, too, has been described as  “unnecessary clutter.”  From an administrative point of view, maybe it is clutter.  That depends on the future purpose of the place.  A community bulletin board or weekly grocery advertising isn’t particularly needed?  The only thing needed is an out of the way place for notices that might be permanent?  There are places where such is fitting, but they are not old folks homes.  People move in and out for many reasons.  They may have a reason to move out that they didn’t expect. 

Identifying trends can be useful. 

New Era Again?

Like it or not, apparently there is going to be a different way of doing things in this little speck of existence in the world. As old time readers may recall, the original diary of so many years ago had entries for every day.  No one was expected to be reading it every day, but if anyone took a notion to any day, there was something there, even if it didn’t amount to much.  That’s playing it straight with people who bother to give you some of their time and attention. Only the egocentric assume anyone (never mind some part of humanity) is just sitting there waiting for them to come on the scene. 

While the various diaries were planned for daily activities, the original “A House In The City” only appeared once a week (the newspaper was a weekly). Once in a while even that got cut if something more important came along. And, the European offshoot was something like once a month.  Of course, both of those were considerably longer and with more to them; but that was also more appropriate to both of those.  Just like with other obscure places, things do take place every day in an old folks’ home.  There are times when it’s surprising.  But, it can’t all be covered regardless. 

At this point, using this new equipment is still in a confused state (everything’s rather new and the “dog” is old).  Meanwhile life is throwing all sorts of new things around in these times – new ownership of the apartment building underfoot isn’t the only thing.  As yours truly is not about to give up this baby without a fight, there will be commentary even if it is only hit and miss for a while and there will be some in the …Old Peasant’s Blog as well.  It just appears that for a while at least it can’t be every day. It’s hoped all previously interested will “stay tuned.”

New ages begin every day.  AlienSmile