Old Folks’ Home Hunt Notes 10

     Dover 374a

February is a good time to plan ahead.  This year’s choice since spring events begin in March.  The time’s winter and there are only two relatively minor days of note.  If it’s time to think of moving, a head start can at times help to get a better end result.  The notes continue especially in the hope it helps someone gain a happier home situation. 

28.  Bathtub.  There are places that do not have an actual tub, so if there is some likelihood of need for one, there can be some time saved by asking before going to look at a place that sounds good.  Of course, there are alternatives for getting cleaned up that likely would be available, but what’s there may not work.  Given one, it can different. 

29.  Religion.  Apart from those places owned by religious organizations that rather expect residents to be believers along their lines, large apartment houses may have on site (but independent) religious services because enough people there maintain contact for someone to provide them.  Also, it’s not unknown for churches to pick up their faithful. 

30.  Smoke detectors.  Smoke alarms are legal requirements for some towns, but not necessarily all.  They’re sensible regardless, but that does not mean places are sure to have such and in working order.  Especially if there’s no alarm visible, identifying fire exits, noting extinguishers (and whether readily available) and the like is an essential. 

A written list can be helpful.Work 

Old Folks’ Home Hunt Notes 9

     Dover Holiday Christmas 277a

It is now the dead of winter (without snow hiding the dirt that’s around) in the area underfoot.  Many have recovered from the holidays and are finding their way into the hopes for the year (or at least the days ahead).  And some folks have been moving both in and out of the building underfoot since this past Thanksgiving.  These notes are timely.   

25.  Bulletin board.  Bulletin boards are for advertising, but not necessarily yours.  Usually there is one, but it’s not unusual to have it limited to official notices.  While it’s probably not essential, such can be useful.  If one’s around that can be used by individuals, requirements for a notice (formatting, clearance) may be present as well. 

26.  TV cable.  While there may be a place that has such a part of a package deal, like other common things, cable is luxury according to some notions.  Paying for it should be the expectation and a matter to be explored.  Alternatives may also exist, especially if principle interests are in a narrow range like certain ballgames or news reporting. 

27.  Off street parking.  In a big place, parking space is important, of course, but even when well lit, parking lots aren’t much different from street parking when it comes to those with bad intentions.  And, there are likely rules in regard to using one.  So, is the parking lot patrolled and who does it?  Can visitors use it?  What requirements? 

Life can get more complex with each action.Money