A Look Across The River – Part IV, A Picture

Although the actual entry about the look across the river was essentially ended with yesterday’s message, there is a slightly “off” picture of what might be seen that yours truly took a few months ago (it seems like it was December 31).  The day just happened to be a bright sunny day, and everything seemed to be fairly clear.  It was too chilly outside to be messing with trying to take a picture, but a desire existed, and a view through a lower level community room window of the apartment building is almost the same – just about twenty-five feet farther over and maybe seventy-five feet closer to the river.  The objective was the boat. 

The bridge mentioned is to the right.  The picture shows the city from north (on the left) to south (on the right).  That northern most end is well over a mile from that bridge in the area of what is called “Over-the Rhine.”  The lower left corner building is on the south bank. The image had to be taken while sitting at a very sharp angle to get in more of the downtown.  As can be seen from the windows of the corner building, it’s not even.  Working with it may also have altered it; but it does give an idea of what has been described. There are more pictures. (A note to early viewers:  it may take later editing to get the image in place.)


Copy of I3


Arty stuff can be difficult. 

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